Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Soft Tissue Injuries

Because apparently none of the databases explodes these properly.

(To be fair, the Medline ones with /injuries could not be narrower terms of "Soft Tissue Injuries", but still, the ligament and tendon ones could have been added!

"Soft Tissue Injuries"[Mesh] OR "Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries"[Mesh] OR "Tendon Injuries"[Mesh] OR "Muscles/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Ligaments/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Tendons/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Subcutaneous Fat/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Skin/injuries"[Mesh] OR soft tissue injur*[tiab]


exp soft tissue injury/ or exp muscle injury/ or exp "ligament and tendon injury"/ or exp skin injury/ or soft tissue injur*.mp.


DE "SOFT tissue injuries" OR DE "MUSCLE injuries" OR DE "ABDOMINAL muscle injuries" OR DE "CALF muscle injuries" OR DE "HAMSTRING muscle injuries" OR DE "QUADRICEPS muscle injuries" OR DE "SKELETAL muscle injuries" OR DE "TENDON injuries" OR DE "ACHILLES tendon injuries" OR DE "LIGAMENT injuries" OR DE "COLLATERAL ligament injuries" OR DE "CRUCIATE ligament injuries" OR DE "PATELLAR ligament injuries" OR DE "SKIN injuries" OR DE "SKIN ulcers" OR DE "SUNBURN"

Watch out: sometimes when a doctor says "soft tissue injuries", they actually mean whiplash, which is a whole different thing. If you get a chance for a reference interview, it's a good question to ask. Suspect this especially if the question is related to a traffic accident.

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