Wednesday, April 4, 2018

In the Operating Room

Yes, it's that time again! Time for a Settings question!

"Operating Rooms"[Mesh] OR "Surgery Department, Hospital"[Mesh] OR "Intraoperative Complications"[Mesh] OR "Surgical Procedures, Operative"[Mesh]

keywords: "operating room"[tiab] OR "operating rooms"[tiab] OR "operating theatre"[tiab] OR "operating theatres"[tiab] OR "operating theater"[tiab] OR "operating theaters"[tiab] OR "surgical theatre"[tiab] OR "surgical theatres"[tiab] OR "surgical theater"[tiab] OR "surgical theaters"[tiab] OR "surgical room"[tiab] OR "surgical rooms"[tiab] OR "surgical department"[tiab] OR "surgical departments"[tiab] OR "surgical ward"[tiab] OR "surgical wards"[tiab] OR "surgery ward"[tiab] OR "surgery wards"[tiab]

MH "Operating Rooms" OR MH "Operating Room Personnel+" OR MH "Surgery, Operative+" OR MH "Intraoperative Complications+"

MH "Operating Room Information Systems" - maybe? Depends on your question.

Keywords: operating room* OR operating theat* OR surgical theat* OR surgical room* OR surg* department* or surg* ward*

exp operating room/ or exp surgical ward/ or exp surgery/ or exp peroperative complication/ or exp operating room personnel/ or exp surgeon/

(operating room* or operating theat* or surgical theat* or surgical room* or surg* department* or surg* ward*).ti,ab.

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