Friday, June 10, 2016

Tapering drugs

Do this in Ovid to use the adjacency searching:

(taper* or wean* or deprescri* or de-prescri*).ti,ab.
(reduc* adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
(decreas* adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
(lower adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
exp Drug Administration Schedule/
exp Withholding Treatment/

If no access to adjacency searching, can try
taper*[tiab] OR reduc*[tiab] OR wean*[tiab] OR deprescri*[tiab] OR de-prescri*[tiab] 

Some of the following may also be useful
discontinu*[tiab] OR withdraw[tiab] OR withdrawing[tiab] OR terminat*[tiab] OR de-induc*[tiab] OR deinduc*[tiab] OR detox*[tiab]
Withdraw is not truncated because you don't want articles about withdrawal (as a symptom)!

It can help to use administration & dosage subheading on the substance(s) being tapered.
e.g. Benzodiazepines/ad

It can also help to say what you're trying to prevent:
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/pc

EMBASE has Drug Withdrawal/

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