Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Long term outcomes

Man, searching for outcomes is so annoying! Like "interventions", it's such a logical thing for someone to ask for, and yet so completely unsearchable.

"Long Term Adverse Effects"[Mesh] OR "Prognosis"[Mesh] OR "Disease Progression"[Mesh] OR "Follow Up Studies"[Mesh]

(Two things to note: Prognosis includes Treatment Outcomes as a narrower term, and Long Term Adverse Effects was added to the MeSH database in 2016.)


"long term"[tiab]


"Time Factors"[Mesh]
(technically this is what articles about anything "long term" were supposed to be indexed under pre-2016. And anything long term other than long term adverse effects should still be indexed here post-2016. However, there are two problems - one, indexers forget to use it, and two, they index other time-related stuff here, so you may want to combine it with "long term"[tiab] (rather than using OR between these two) if the rest of your search strategy is rather broad.


exp follow up/ or prognosis/ or exp treatment outcome/ or disease course/ or exp illness trajectory/ or "long term".ti,ab.

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