Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Long term outcomes

Man, searching for outcomes is so annoying! Like "interventions", it's such a logical thing for someone to ask for, and yet so completely unsearchable.

"Long Term Adverse Effects"[Mesh] OR "Prognosis"[Mesh] OR "Disease Progression"[Mesh] OR "Follow Up Studies"[Mesh]

(Two things to note: Prognosis includes Treatment Outcomes as a narrower term, and Long Term Adverse Effects was added to the MeSH database in 2016.)


"long term"[tiab]


"Time Factors"[Mesh]
(technically this is what articles about anything "long term" were supposed to be indexed under pre-2016. And anything long term other than long term adverse effects should still be indexed here post-2016. However, there are two problems - one, indexers forget to use it, and two, they index other time-related stuff here, so you may want to combine it with "long term"[tiab] (rather than using OR between these two) if the rest of your search strategy is rather broad.


exp follow up/ or prognosis/ or exp treatment outcome/ or disease course/ or exp illness trajectory/ or "long term".ti,ab.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Home management of ....

"Home Care Services"[Mesh]

"Home Care Agencies"[Mesh] OR "Home Health Aides"[Mesh] OR "Homebound Persons"[Mesh] OR "House Calls"[Mesh]

This is for home management by healthcare professionals. It's not for searches about unpaid home care, usually by family members.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Tapering drugs

Do this in Ovid to use the adjacency searching:

(taper* or wean* or deprescri* or de-prescri*).ti,ab.
(reduc* adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
(decreas* adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
(lower adj1 dos*).ti,ab.
exp Drug Administration Schedule/
exp Withholding Treatment/

If no access to adjacency searching, can try
taper*[tiab] OR reduc*[tiab] OR wean*[tiab] OR deprescri*[tiab] OR de-prescri*[tiab] 

Some of the following may also be useful
discontinu*[tiab] OR withdraw[tiab] OR withdrawing[tiab] OR terminat*[tiab] OR de-induc*[tiab] OR deinduc*[tiab] OR detox*[tiab]
Withdraw is not truncated because you don't want articles about withdrawal (as a symptom)!

It can help to use administration & dosage subheading on the substance(s) being tapered.
e.g. Benzodiazepines/ad

It can also help to say what you're trying to prevent:
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/pc

EMBASE has Drug Withdrawal/