Tuesday, May 7, 2019

C-Spine or Cervical Spine Immobilization


"Neck"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Vertebrae"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Plexus"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Cord"[Mesh] OR "Neck Muscles"[Mesh] OR "Neck Injuries"[Mesh] OR "cervical spine"[tiab] OR "c-spine"[tiab]
"Immobilization"[Mesh] OR immobili*[tiab] OR "spine board"[tiab] OR "back board"[tiab] OR backboard[tiab] OR "spinal motion restriction"[tiab]


MH "Neck+" OR MH "Neck Muscles+" OR MH "Neck Injuries+" OR MH "Cervical Plexus+" OR MH "Cervical Vertebrae+" OR MH "Cervical Cord+"

keywords: cervical spine OR c-spine

MH "Immobilization+" OR MH "Cervical Collars+" OR MH "Lifting and Transfer Equipment+"

keywords: immobili* OR spin* board* OR back board* OR backboard* OR spinal motion restriction


exp neck/ or "head and neck injury"/ or exp neck injury/ or exp neck swelling/ or exp stiff neck/ or exp cervical spine/ or exp cervical spinal cord/ or exp cervical spine injury/ or exp cervical plexus/

exp immobilization device/ or immobilization/ or exp cervical collar/ or exp spine board/

same keywords as CINAHL.

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