Wednesday, May 15, 2019


complications or sequels or sequela* or concomitant* or associated disease* or associated disorder* or associated condition* or coexist*

Subheadings: complications goes with the MeSH of the first disease, secondary goes with the MeSH of the second disease.

Comorbidity has narrower term Multimorbidity.

In EMBASE, all the subheadings go on the second disease - complication, etiology, epidemiology, side effect

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Prehospital Care


"Emergency Medical Services"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Transportation of Patients"[Mesh] OR "Emergency Medical Technicians"[Mesh] OR prehospital*[tiab] OR pre-hospital*[tiab] OR paramedic*[tiab]

Might be useful? "Emergency Medical Dispatch"[Mesh]

MH "Prehospital Care+" OR MH "Transportation of Patients+" OR MH "Emergency Medical Services" OR MH "Emergency Medical Technicians+"

keywords: prehospital* OR pre-hospital* OR paramedic*

exp emergency care/ or exp rescue personnel/ or exp ambulance/

same keywords as CINAHL.

C-Spine or Cervical Spine Immobilization


"Neck"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Vertebrae"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Plexus"[Mesh] OR "Cervical Cord"[Mesh] OR "Neck Muscles"[Mesh] OR "Neck Injuries"[Mesh] OR "cervical spine"[tiab] OR "c-spine"[tiab]
"Immobilization"[Mesh] OR immobili*[tiab] OR "spine board"[tiab] OR "back board"[tiab] OR backboard[tiab] OR "spinal motion restriction"[tiab]


MH "Neck+" OR MH "Neck Muscles+" OR MH "Neck Injuries+" OR MH "Cervical Plexus+" OR MH "Cervical Vertebrae+" OR MH "Cervical Cord+"

keywords: cervical spine OR c-spine

MH "Immobilization+" OR MH "Cervical Collars+" OR MH "Lifting and Transfer Equipment+"

keywords: immobili* OR spin* board* OR back board* OR backboard* OR spinal motion restriction


exp neck/ or "head and neck injury"/ or exp neck injury/ or exp neck swelling/ or exp stiff neck/ or exp cervical spine/ or exp cervical spinal cord/ or exp cervical spine injury/ or exp cervical plexus/

exp immobilization device/ or immobilization/ or exp cervical collar/ or exp spine board/

same keywords as CINAHL.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Pregnancy and Lactation

Apparently I've never posted this before?

"Pregnancy"[Mesh] OR "Pregnancy Complications"[Mesh] OR "Pregnant Women"[Mesh] Or "Pregnancy Trimesters"[Mesh] OR "Maternal Exposure"[Mesh] OR "Delivery, Obstetric"[Mesh]

"Breast Feeding"[Mesh] OR "Lactation"[Mesh] OR "Lactation Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Milk, Human"[Mesh] OR "Milk Banks"[Mesh]

Please note: Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects is a narrower term of Pregnancy Outcome.
However, you may wish to try: "Embryonic and Fetal Development"[Mesh]

See blog posting on Pregnancy Outcomes if that topic is of particular interest:


MH "Pregnancy+" OR MH "Pregnancy, Multiple+" OR MH "Pregnancy Trimesters+" OR MH "Pregnancy Unplanned+" or MH "Pregnancy, Unwanted+" OR MH "Parity+" OR MH "Pregnancy Outcomes+" OR MH "Obstetric Emergencies+" OR MH "Expectant Mothers+" OR MH "Maternal Exposure+" OR MH "Obstetric Care+"

MH "Breast Feeding+" OR MH "Lactation+" OR MH "Lactation Disorders+" OR MH "Milk, Human+" OR MH "Milk Banks+"

MH "Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects+" OR MH "Prenatal Nutritional Physiology+" OR MH "Fetal Development+"

exp pregnancy/ or exp childbirth/ or exp obstetric delivery/ or exp "parameters concerning the fetus, newborn and pregnancy"/ or exp named groups by pregnancy/

exp breast feeding/ or exp lactation/ or exp lactation disorders/ or exp breast milk/

exp prenatal drug exposure/ or exp prenatal exposure/ or exp perinatal drug exposure/ or exp drug exposure during lactation/ or exp maternal exposure/