Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hormone Blockade (for cancer treatment)

This terminology is particularly tricky, because some of the treatments that they use to block hormones are - those hormones! But some are not!

Feeling croggled? I don't blame you! Here's some MeSH to help you out...

"Hormone Antagonists"[Mesh] OR "Hormone Antagonists"[Pharmacological Action] OR "Antineoplastic Agents, Hormoneal"[Mesh] OR "Antineoplastic Agents, Hormoneal"[Pharmacological Action]

And some keywords:
estrogen receptor block*[tiab] OR selective estrogen receptor modulat*[tiab] OR serm*[tiab] OR tamoxifen[tiab] OR fulvestrant[tiab] OR aromatase inhibit*[tiab] OR letrozole[tiab] OR anastrozole[tiab] OR exemestane[tiab] OR luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonist*[tiab] OR goserelin[tiab] OR leuprolide[tiab] OR buserelin[tiab] OR toremifene[tiab]

These keywords were brought to you by the Canadian Cancer Society website and the American Cancer Society website. Thanks for 'splaining...


exp hormone antagonist/ or exp "antineoplastic hormone agonists and antagonists"/

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