Friday, September 29, 2017

Mortality and Life Expectancy

Most important thing about mortality is to use the subheading. You will get lots more results with that. Really the other stuff gets superfluous, but we use it anyway just in case.

"Disease name/mortality"[Mesh] OR ("Disease Name"[Mesh] AND ("Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Life Expectancy"[Mesh] OR "Longevity"[Mesh] OR "Survival Rate"[Mesh] OR "Survival"[Mesh]))

if you can't do that:
mortality[subheading] OR "Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Life Expectancy"[Mesh] OR "Longevity"[Mesh] OR "Survival Rate"[Mesh] OR "Survival"[Mesh]

Don't use "Survival Analysis"[Mesh] because this is something else entirely.


exp mortality/ or exp survival/ or exp longevity/ or exp lifespan/

Plus keywords:
(mortalit* or survival or longevit* or life span* or lifespan* or life expectan*).ti,ab.

And if you're really desperate:
(die or died or dying or death).ti,ab.

Leave off that first one if you're searching on deep infiltrating endometriosis, though. Because of the dumbest acronym ever.

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