Wednesday, May 3, 2017

In the ambulatory / outpatient setting

exp Ambulatory Care/ or exp Ambulatory Care Facilities/ or exp Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/ OR exp Outpatients/

(office based or clinic based or ambulatory or outpatient* or out patient* or surgicent* or day clinic or day clinics).mp.

(surg* adj2 cent*).mp.

An additional strategy is to use the authors' address/affiliation/institution field to identify the setting. This is not as accurate and should be done with articles remaining after the above searches. After all, a researcher may work for a university but do their research at a hospital, for instance.

However, you can search: (hospital or medical centre or medical center).in. and then use NOT to remove those from the list. Go through the remaining articles and look at the addresses to see if any are in a recognisably ambulatory setting. Good luck!

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