Thursday, March 9, 2017

Substance Related Disorders

This is pretty easy in Medline:

"Substance-Related Disorders"[Mesh]

Just remember the hyphen and you're all good.

In PsycInfo, a little trickier, just because it doesn't explode properly:
Drug addictions:
DE "Substance Use Disorder" OR DE "Drug Abuse" OR DE "Alcohol Abuse" OR DE "Alcoholism" OR DE "Binge Drinking" OR DE "Drug Dependency" OR DE "Drug Addiction" OR DE "Inhalant Abuse" OR DE "Glue Sniffing" OR DE "Polydrug Abuse" OR DE "Alcoholism" OR DE "Alcoholic Psychosis" OR DE "Alcoholic Hallucinosis" OR DE "Delirium Tremens" OR DE "Korsakoffs Psychosis" OR DE "Wernicke's Syndrome" OR DE "Heroin Addiction"
Other addictions:
DE "Internet Addiction" OR DE "Process Addiction" OR DE "Pathological Gambling" OR DE "Sexual Addiction" OR DE "Workaholism"OR DE "Addiction"

In EMBASE, really tricky!
exp addiction/ or exp alcohol abuse/ or exp drug abuse/ or exp substance abuse/

You might think that you've caught all of the relevant stuff when you find the EMTREE term "addiction", but there are more terms under "abuse". But doing exp abuse/ is no good because of all the other, non-substance related narrower terms.

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