Tuesday, February 21, 2017


So, this is a tricky one. It's usually medicolegal, and usually it doesn't specify how the patient was treated, if at all.

"Prognosis"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Disease Progression"[Mesh] OR "Return to Work"[Mesh] OR "Recovery of Function"[Mesh] OR "Convalescence"[Mesh] OR "Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Disease Free Survival"[Mesh]

There's also rehabilitation as a subheading. Probably best to tie it to the disease/disorder in question, if possible, and only free-float it if there isn't a disease in the question.

That's starting to get into the "how long will it take to get better" stuff, but here are a few more for that aspect:
"Time Factors"[Mesh] OR "Length of Stay"[Mesh]

Depending on the search, you may also wish to try:
"Treatment Outcome"[Mesh]

You can also do something straightforward, like:
prognosis[title] OR prognostic[title] OR predict*[title]
Why not?


exp prognosis/ or disease course/ or exp adverse outcome/ or exp convalescence/ or exp disease clearance/ or exp disease duration/ or exp disease exacerbation/ or exp general condition deterioration/ or exp general condition improvement/ or exp illness trajectory/ or exp relapse/ or exp remission/ or exp survival/ or exp return to work/ or exp work resumption/ or exp mortality/

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