Monday, January 18, 2016

Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

Getting a lot of questions these days on the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

exp * Dementia/
exp Neurobehavioural Manifestations/ or exp Behavioral Symptoms/ or (psych* symptoms or behavio* symptoms or neurobehavio* symptoms or neuropsych* symptoms or BPSD or behavio* disturbance*).mp.

You may also wish to try:
exp * Dementia/
exp Apathy/ or exp Sleep Wake Disorders/ or exp Psychotic Disorders/ or exp Psychomotor Agitation/ or exp Aggression/ or exp Violence/ or exp Anxiety/ or Compulsive Behavior/ or exp Stereotyped Behavior/

DE "Behavior Problems" OR DE "Stereotyped Behavior" OR DE "Compulsions" OR DE "Repetition Compulsion"

exp problem behavior/ or exp stereotypy/

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