Monday, April 13, 2015

Traffic accident or Motor Vehicle Accident

The Mesh term "Accidents, Traffic"[Mesh] is usually pretty good for this, but here's some more:

"Motor Vehicles"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Automobiles"[Mesh] OR "Motorcycles"[Mesh] OR "Off-Road Motor Vehicles"[Mesh] OR "Automobile Driving"[Mesh]

Why, you ask, did I not explode Motor Vehicles, rather than writing out almost all of the narrower terms? It's because of the one narrower term which I did not include, which is Ambulances. If the other part of your search (probably something like low back pain, whiplash, trauma, soft tissue injuries, etc...) has anything to do with something a paramedic might look at (which is basically everything), then that one MeSH could mess up your search something fierce.

It might also be helpful to combine your "Motor Vehicles" search with the keywords about accidents below, to avoid articles about the long term effects of sitting at the wheel.

These may also be useful:
"Seat Belts"[Mesh] OR "Air Bags"[Mesh]

traffic*[tiab] OR vehic*[tiab] OR car[tiab] OR cars[tiab] OR truck*[tiab] OR road*[tiab] OR transport*[tiab] OR automobile*[tiab] OR lorr*[tiab] OR passenger*[tiab] OR off-road[tiab] OR driving[tiab] OR driver*[tiab] OR motorist*[tiab] OR motorcar*[tiab] OR "high energy"[tiab]
accident*[tiab] OR collision*[tiab] OR collide*[tiab] OR crash*[tiab] OR prang*[tiab] OR wreck*[tiab] OR smash*[tiab]

DE "Transportation Accidents" OR DE "Motor Traffic Accidents" OR DE "Pedestrian Accidents"
There also exists DE "Air Traffic Accidents", if it is helpful

exp traffic accident/

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