Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Google Scholar sort by date removes results

OK, here's a weird one:

Doing a search in Google Scholar. Of course the default is Sort by Relevance.

Whoa! Way too many results, so I selected only articles from the past year (Since 2013)

OK, so now I have 662 results. OK, but I'd like to look through them by date...

I clicked on Sort by Date.

Now I've only got 3 results.

What gives?

Now, it turns out that whether or not you've limitted your results by year, when you click on Sort by Date, it always gives you just the past year. How ridiculous and annoying that is would take up a blog post in itself. But what I don't understand is why even when I'd limitted the results to just the past year, there were more than when I sorted by date. And it wasn't just one or two. It lost over 600 results!

This is not a one-time glitch either - it persists over time and with different browsers. Guess it's supposed to be like that? Man! Google Scholar has its good points, but it is damn useless when it comes to result manipulation.

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