Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Palliative Care Patients and End of Life

Often there's a question about a particular disease or therapy and it ends with the phrase "in palliative care patients"


"Palliative Care"[Mesh] OR "Terminal Care"[Mesh] OR "Terminally Ill"[Mesh] OR "end of life"[tiab] OR palliati*[tiab] OR hospice[tiab]

You can also OR the following:
terminal*[tiab] NOT ("n terminal"[tiab] OR "c terminal"[tiab] OR "amino terminal"[tiab] OR "carboxy terminal"[tiab] OR "carboxyl terminal"[tiab] OR "cooh terminal"[tiab])

N-terminal and C-terminal are something completely different, and if you leave them in, you'll get zillions of irrelevant results.


exp palliative therapy/ OR exp terminal care/ OR exp terminally ill patient/ OR exp hospice patient/ OR exp hospice/ OR ("end of life" OR palliati* OR hospice).ti,ab.
terminal*.ti,ab. NOT (n terminal OR c terminal OR amino terminal OR carboxy* terminal OR cooh terminal).ti,ab.


MH "Terminal Care+" OR MH "Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing" OR MH "Terminally Ill Patients+" OR MH "Hospice Patients" OR MH "Hospices" OR palliati* OR hospice OR "end of life" OR (terminal* NOT ("n terminal" OR "c terminal" OR "amino terminal" OR carboxy* terminal OR "cooh terminal")

A keyword search for "end stage" may or may not be useful depending on your question.

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