Friday, February 22, 2013

Postoperative Care

Here is what you find if you search Postoperative in the MeSH database:

Postoperative Care
Postoperative Period
Postoperative Complications (with narrower terms)

But when you search the same in CINAHL, it also suggests:

And when I searched it in the MeSH database, it exists!

So you can do this search:

Medline (PubMed)
"Postoperative Care"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Period"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Complications"[Mesh] OR "Aftercare"[Mesh]

MH "Postoperative Period" OR MH "Postoperative Care+" OR MH "Postoperative Complications+" OR MH "Aftercare"



exp postoperative period/ OR exp postoperative complication/ OR exp aftercare/

postoperative period includes postoperative care as well as other narrower terms. Postoperative complication has many narrower terms.

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