Friday, February 22, 2013

Postoperative Care

Here is what you find if you search Postoperative in the MeSH database:

Postoperative Care
Postoperative Period
Postoperative Complications (with narrower terms)

But when you search the same in CINAHL, it also suggests:

And when I searched it in the MeSH database, it exists!

So you can do this search:

Medline (PubMed)
"Postoperative Care"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Period"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Complications"[Mesh] OR "Aftercare"[Mesh]

MH "Postoperative Period" OR MH "Postoperative Care+" OR MH "Postoperative Complications+" OR MH "Aftercare"



exp postoperative period/ OR exp postoperative complication/ OR exp aftercare/

postoperative period includes postoperative care as well as other narrower terms. Postoperative complication has many narrower terms.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Look who's evil now!

Erm, your secret thoughts are showing...