Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Energy Conservation (Fatigue Prevention)

Someone was asking about Energy Conservation with regard to a particular disease. By these words, she meant thinks like resting between physical activities, but of course the MeSH came out slightly different.

If you type energy conservation into the MeSH database, you will get Conservation of Energy Resources, referring to turning out the lights as you exit, shutting off a car rather than idling, etc... Interesting, but not the same topic!

It turns out that there are two MeSH available for what I was really wanting to search:
"Fatigue/prevention and control"[Mesh] OR "Energy Metabolism"[Mesh]

The same phenomenon occurs in CINAHL:
MH "Energy Conservation+" will bring up articles on turning out the lights.

The search you want is:
MH "Fatigue/PC+" OR MH "Energy Metabolism+" OR MH "Energy Conservation, Metabolic+"

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