Thursday, January 20, 2011

Assessment and Tests

Note that "Validation Studies" is a Publication Type rather than a MeSH term. This doesn't matter in Ovid, but does matter in the other two interfaces.

exp "Reproducibility of Results"/ OR exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/ OR exp Psychiatric Status Rating Scales/ OR exp Psychological Tests/ OR exp Validation Studies/ OR exp Diagnostic Errors/

MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales+" OR MH "Psychological Tests+" OR ZT "Validation Studies+" OR MH "Diagnostic Errors+"

"Reproducibility of Results"[MeSH] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[MeSH] OR "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales"[MeSH] OR "Psychological Tests"[MeSH] OR "Validation Studies"[Publication Type] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh]

MH "Instrument Validation+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Reliability and Validity+" OR MH "Predictive Value of Tests+" OR MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Validation Studies"

DE "Test Reliability" OR DE "Test Validity" OR DE "Test Sensitivity" OR DE "Test Specificity"

exp instrument validation/ or exp theory validation/ or exp validation process/ or exp validation study/ or exp "sensitivity and specificity"/ or exp measurement precision/ or exp predictive value of tests/ or exp diagnostic error/

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