Thursday, January 20, 2011

Assessment and Tests

Note that "Validation Studies" is a Publication Type rather than a MeSH term. This doesn't matter in Ovid, but does matter in the other two interfaces.

exp "Reproducibility of Results"/ OR exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/ OR exp Psychiatric Status Rating Scales/ OR exp Psychological Tests/ OR exp Validation Studies/ OR exp Diagnostic Errors/

MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales+" OR MH "Psychological Tests+" OR ZT "Validation Studies+" OR MH "Diagnostic Errors+"

"Reproducibility of Results"[MeSH] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[MeSH] OR "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales"[MeSH] OR "Psychological Tests"[MeSH] OR "Validation Studies"[Publication Type] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh]

MH "Instrument Validation+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Reliability and Validity+" OR MH "Predictive Value of Tests+" OR MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Validation Studies"

DE "Test Reliability" OR DE "Test Validity" OR DE "Test Sensitivity" OR DE "Test Specificity"

exp instrument validation/ or exp theory validation/ or exp validation process/ or exp validation study/ or exp "sensitivity and specificity"/ or exp measurement precision/ or exp predictive value of tests/ or exp diagnostic error/


Medline, CINAHL:

MH "Cognition+" OR MH "Cognition Disorders+"

DE "Cognition" OR DE "Cognitive Ability" OR DE "Cognitive Impairment" OR DE "Cognitive Assessment" OR DE "Cognitive Rehabilitation"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Social Work and Workers in CINAHL

To search for anything about social work and social workers in CINAHL:

MH "Social Work+" OR MH "Social Workers+" OR MH "Social Work Service+" OR MH "Social Work Practice+" OR MH "Research, Social Work+"