Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bacteriotherapy for C. difficile infection

exp Clostridium Infection/ OR exp Clostridium difficile/ OR clostridium difficile.mp. OR c difficile.mp.
(exp Feces/ AND exp Enema/) OR (bacteriotherapy OR faeces transplant* OR feces transplant* OR faecal transplant* OR fecal transplant* OR donor stool* OR donor faeces OR donor feces OR homologous stool* OR homologous faeces OR homologous feces OR stool enema* OR stool instillation* OR stool infusion* OR stool transplant* OR feces biotherapy OR faeces biotherapy OR faecal biotherapy OR fecal biotherapy OR rectal infusion* OR rectal instillation* OR feces enema* OR faeces enema* OR faecal enema* OR fecal enema*).mp.

exp "Faecal donor instillation therapy"/
exp Bacterial Infections/th OR exp Clostridium difficile/ OR clostridium difficile.mp. OR c difficile.mp.
(exp Feces/ AND exp Enema/) OR (bacteriotherapy OR faeces transplant* OR feces transplant* OR faecal transplant* OR fecal transplant* OR donor stool* OR donor faeces OR donor feces OR homologous stool* OR homologous faeces OR homologous feces OR stool enema* OR stool instillation* OR stool infusion* OR stool transplant* OR feces biotherapy OR faeces biotherapy OR faecal biotherapy OR fecal biotherapy OR rectal infusion* OR rectal instillation* OR feces enema* OR OR faeces enema* OR faecal enema* OR fecal enema*).mp.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wound Swab

When someone asks for "wound swab", try:

exp Specimen Handling AND (exp Bacterial Typing Techniques/ OR exp Culture Techniques/)

You can AND this with your favourite wound-related Mesh, such as:
exp "Wounds and Injuries"/
exp Wound Infection/

Monday, July 25, 2011

Residential Care

exp Residential Facilities/ OR exp Homes for the Aged/ OR exp Residential Treatment/ OR exp Nursing Homes/ OR exp Long-Term Care/

MH "Residential Care+" OR MH "Residential Facilities+" OR MH "Nursing Homes+" OR MH "Long Term Care"

DE "Residential Care Institutions" OR DE "Nursing Homes" OR DE "Long Term Care"

Cultural Diversity


exp Transcultural Nursing/ OR exp Cultural Diversity/ OR exp Cross-Cultural Comparison/ OR exp Cultural Competency/ OR exp Ethnopsychology/ OR exp Language/ OR exp Multilingualism/

MH "Cultural Competence+" OR MH "Transcultural Care+" OR MH "Transcultural Nursing+" OR MH "Cultural Sensitivity+" OR MH "Cultural Safety+"

DE "Cross Cultural Treatment" OR DE "Cross Cultural Counseling" OR DE "Cultural Sensitivity" OR DE "Cross Cultural Communication" OR DE "Transcultural Psychiatry"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nutrition in Pregnancy - CINAHL

MH "Nutrition in Pregnancy+" OR MH "Diet in Pregnancy+" OR MH "Nutritional Status in Pregnancy+"

(I would have guessed something more like MH "Nutrition+" AND MH "Pregnancy+", which is pretty much what you have to use in Medline. But these are much more accurate.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Assessment and Tests

Note that "Validation Studies" is a Publication Type rather than a MeSH term. This doesn't matter in Ovid, but does matter in the other two interfaces.

exp "Reproducibility of Results"/ OR exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/ OR exp Psychiatric Status Rating Scales/ OR exp Psychological Tests/ OR exp Validation Studies/ OR exp Diagnostic Errors/

MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales+" OR MH "Psychological Tests+" OR ZT "Validation Studies+" OR MH "Diagnostic Errors+"

"Reproducibility of Results"[MeSH] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[MeSH] OR "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales"[MeSH] OR "Psychological Tests"[MeSH] OR "Validation Studies"[Publication Type] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh]

MH "Instrument Validation+" OR MH "Sensitivity and Specificity+" OR MH "Reliability and Validity+" OR MH "Predictive Value of Tests+" OR MH "Reproducibility of Results+" OR MH "Validation Studies"

DE "Test Reliability" OR DE "Test Validity" OR DE "Test Sensitivity" OR DE "Test Specificity"

exp instrument validation/ or exp theory validation/ or exp validation process/ or exp validation study/ or exp "sensitivity and specificity"/ or exp measurement precision/ or exp predictive value of tests/ or exp diagnostic error/


Medline, CINAHL:

MH "Cognition+" OR MH "Cognition Disorders+"

DE "Cognition" OR DE "Cognitive Ability" OR DE "Cognitive Impairment" OR DE "Cognitive Assessment" OR DE "Cognitive Rehabilitation"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Social Work and Workers in CINAHL

To search for anything about social work and social workers in CINAHL:

MH "Social Work+" OR MH "Social Workers+" OR MH "Social Work Service+" OR MH "Social Work Practice+" OR MH "Research, Social Work+"