Tuesday, April 23, 2019

DOACs and NOACs and so forth

DOAC stands for Direct Oral AntiCoagulants, and NOAC for New/novel Oral AntiCoagulants. But also, sometimes, Non-vitamin-K Oral AntiCoagulants. Apparently.

All these things are pretty much synonymous.

So, there are two kinds of these things:
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors and Factor Xa Inhibitors

And there are 4 actual drugs:
Rivaroxaban, Dabigatran, Apixaban, and Edoxaban

So, if you receive a search for DOACs or NOACS, you can use:

"Factor Xa Inhibitors" [Pharmacological Action] OR "Antithrombins" [Pharmacological Action] OR Rivaroxaban[Mesh] OR Dabigatran[Mesh] OR apixaban[Supplementary Concept] OR edoxaban[Supplementary Concept]

"Anticoagulants" [Pharmacological Action]
noac*[tiab] OR doac*[tiab] OR "new oral"[tiab] OR "novel oral"[tiab] OR "non-vitamin k"[tiab] OR "nonvitamin k"[tiab] OR "direct oral"[tiab]

exp thrombin inhibitor/po [Oral Drug Administration]
exp blood clotting factor 10a inhibitor/po
exp anticoagulant agent/po

(noac* or doac* or non-vitamin k or nonvitamin k or new oral or novel oral or direct oral).mp.