Friday, August 31, 2018

PsycInfo: health professionals

PsycInfo only explodes down one level, so here is the full manual explosion of health professionals:

DE "Health Personnel" OR DE "Allied Health Personnel" OR DE "Occupational Therapists" OR DE "Physical Therapists" OR DE "Psychiatric Aides" OR DE "Speech Therapists" OR DE "Medical Personnel" OR DE "Dentists" OR DE "Military Medical Personnel" OR DE "Nurses" OR DE "Optometrists" OR DE "Pharmacists" OR DE "Physical Therapists" OR DE "Physicians" OR DE "Psychiatric Hospital Staff" OR DE "Mental Health Personnel" OR DE "Clinical Psychologists" OR DE "Psychiatric Hospital Staff" OR DE "Psychiatric Nurses" OR DE "Psychiatric Social Workers" OR DE "Psychiatrists" OR DE "Psychotherapists" OR DE "School Psychologists" OR DE "Psychiatric Nurses" OR DE "Family Physicians" OR DE "General Practitioners" OR DE "Gynecologists" OR DE "Internists" OR DE "Neurologists" OR DE "Obstetricians" OR DE "Pathologists" OR DE "Pediatricians" OR DE "Psychiatrists" OR DE "Surgeons" OR DE "Psychiatric Aides" OR DE "Hypnotherapists" OR DE "Psychoanalysts"

If useful, there are also:

DE "Health Personnel Attitudes" OR DE "Therapist Attitudes" OR DE "Therapist Attitudes" OR DE "Psychotherapist Attitudes"

Group Therapy

This one is a real pain because there are so many other Mesh using the word group, but in completely different ways.

"Psychotherapy, Group"[Mesh] OR "Peer Group"[Mesh] OR "Group Processes"[Mesh] OR "Group Structure"[Mesh] OR "Self-Help Groups"[Mesh] OR "Focus Groups"[Mesh] OR ("Social Support"[Mesh] AND group*[tiab])


DE "Group Psychotherapy" OR DE "Encounter Group Therapy" OR DE "Marathon Group Therapy" OR DE "Therapeutic Community" OR DE "Group Dynamics" OR DE "Group Cohesion" OR DE "Group Development" OR DE "Group Discussion" OR DE "Group Participation" OR DE "Group Performance" OR DE "Intergroup Dynamics" OR DE "Social Group Work" OR DE "Support Groups" OR DE "Twelve Step Programs" OR DE "Alcoholics Anonymous" OR (DE "Social Support" AND (TI group* OR AB group*))