Thursday, July 27, 2017

No subheadings for MeSH terms recently promoted from Supplementary Concept

If you come across a MeSH term which was recently promoted from being a supplementary concept to a proper MeSH, you may have to modify your search.

For instance, the drug Adalimumab shows Year Introduced: 2016 (2002). This means that it became a MeSH term in 2016, but was available as a supplementary concept since 2002.

I was feeling pretty good about this because 2002 was some time ago. My first search went:

("Adalimumab/adverse effects"[Mesh] OR "Adalimumab/toxicity"[Mesh]) AND ("Lung/drug effects"[Mesh] OR "Lung Diseases/epidemiology"[Mesh] OR "Lung Diseases/etiology"[Mesh])
There were 11 results (9 in English).

Pretty textbook, right? Yawn. What I didn't notice was that all of the results were from 2015+, which should have been a big hint.

Anyway, then I did the EMBASE search, and holey crowley. Tons and tons of highly relevant results, that should have been found by Medline.

Which is when I realised that all those articles indexed between 2002 and 2015 would have been indexed "adalimumab"[Supplementary concept] _with no subheadings_. Because supplementary concepts don't get subheadings! So when the term was promoted, they were changed to "Adalimumab"[Mesh], also without subheadings.

"Adalimumab"[Mesh] AND ("Lung/drug effects"[Mesh] OR "Lung Diseases/epidemiology"[Mesh] OR "Lung Diseases/etiology"[Mesh])
There were 107 results (99 in English).

So, watch out for those promoted terms. They're tricksy!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Pregnancy Outcomes

The MeSH tree is usually pretty good, but this is an instance where it fails. There is a MeSH term for Pregnancy Outcomes (added 1988), but it only lists two narrower terms: Live Birth and Stillbirth. That's all very well, but there are a lot of other outcomes to be considered.

"Pregnancy Outcome"[Mesh] OR "Abortion, Spontaneous"[Mesh] OR "Abortion, Induced"[Mesh] OR "Fetal Death"[Mesh] OR "Maternal Death"[Mesh] OR "Obstetric Labor Complications"[Mesh] OR "Perinatal Death"[Mesh] OR "Cesarean Section"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Low Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR "Term Birth"[Mesh] OR "Maternal Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Fetal Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Infant Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR "Birth Injuries"[Mesh]

"Obstetric Labor Complications" includes "Obstetric Labor, Premature" and its narrower term, Premature Birth. There is also "Infant, Premature" if this topic is of particular interest.

MH "Pregnancy Outcomes" OR MH "Abortion, Spontaneous+" OR MH "Abortion, Induced+" OR MH "Term Birth" OR MH "Perinatal Death" OR MH "Infant, Large for Gestational Age" OR MH "Infant, Low Birth Weight+" OR MH "Infant, Postmature" OR MH "Infant, Premature" OR MH "Childbirth, Premature" OR MH "Labor, Premature" OR MH "Labor Complications+" OR MH "Maternal Mortality" OR MH "Cesarean Section+" OR MH "Birth Weight" OR MH "Birth Injuries+"

pregnancy outcome/ or exp live birth/ or exp abortion/ or exp fetus death/ or exp maternal death/ or exp labor complication/ or exp perinatal death/ or exp cesarean section/ or exp birth weight/ or exp term birth/ or embryo mortality/ or fetus mortality/ or maternal mortality/ or exp perinatal mortality/ or prenatal mortality/ or exp birth injury/