Monday, November 23, 2015

Program Evaluation

"Models, Organizational"[Mesh] OR "Program Evaluation"[Mesh] OR "Program Development"[Mesh] OR "organization and administration"[subheading] OR model*[title] OR framework[title] OR program*[title] OR initiative*[title]

CINAHL: MH "Program Development+" OR MH "Hospital Programs+"

There also exist:
MH "Peer Assistance Programs+" OR MH "Student Assistance Programs+" OR MH "Substance Use Rehabilitation Programs+" OR MH "Employee Incentive Programs+" OR MH "Employee Assistance Programs+" OR MH "Weight Reduction Programs+" OR MH "Transitional Programs+"


exp health program/ or exp program development/

There also exist:
exp community program/ or exp education program/ or exp prescription drug monitoring program/ or exp smoking cessation program/ or exp weight loss program/

Monday, November 16, 2015

PsycInfo: Treatment

Here is the manual explosion of Treatment in PsycInfo as of November 2015:

DE "Treatment" OR DE "Adjunctive Treatment" OR DE "Adventure Therapy" OR DE "Aftercare" OR DE "Alternative Medicine" OR DE "Behavior Modification" OR DE "Bibliotherapy" OR DE "Cognitive Techniques" OR DE "Computer Assisted Therapy" OR DE "Creative Arts Therapy" OR DE "Crisis Intervention Services" OR DE "Cross Cultural Treatment" OR DE "Disease Management" OR DE "Health Care Services" OR DE "Hydrotherapy" OR DE "Interdisciplinary Treatment Approach" OR DE "Involuntary Treatment" OR DE "Language Therapy" OR DE "Life Sustaining Treatment" OR DE "Medical Treatment (General)" OR DE "Milieu Therapy" OR DE "Movement Therapy" OR DE "Multimodal Treatment Approach" OR DE "Multisystemic Therapy" OR DE "Online Therapy" OR DE "Outpatient Treatment" OR DE "Pain Management" OR DE "Partial Hospitalization" OR DE "Personal Therapy" OR DE "Physical Treatment Methods" OR DE "Preventive Medicine" OR DE "Psychotherapeutic Techniques" OR DE "Psychotherapy" OR DE "Rehabilitation" OR DE "Relaxation Therapy" OR DE "Sex Therapy" OR DE "Social Casework" OR DE "Sociotherapy" OR DE "Speech Therapy" OR DE "Symptoms Based Treatment" OR DE "Treatment Guidelines" OR DE "Acupuncture" OR DE "Aromatherapy" OR DE "Faith Healing" OR DE "Folk Medicine" OR DE "Behavior Therapy" OR DE "Biofeedback Training" OR DE "Classroom Behavior Modification" OR DE "Contingency Management" OR DE "Fading (Conditioning)" OR DE "Omission Training" OR DE "Overcorrection" OR DE "Self Management" OR DE "Time Out" OR DE "Aversion Therapy" OR DE "Conversion Therapy" OR DE "Dialectical Behavior Therapy" OR DE "Exposure Therapy" OR DE "Implosive Therapy" OR DE "Reciprocal Inhibition Therapy" OR DE "Response Cost" OR DE "Systematic Desensitization Therapy" OR DE "Covert Sensitization" OR DE "Token Economy Programs" OR DE "Self Instructional Training" OR DE "Cognitive Restructuring" OR DE "Cognitive Therapy" OR DE "Art Therapy" OR DE "Dance Therapy" OR DE "Music Therapy" OR DE "Poetry Therapy" OR DE "Recreational Therapy" OR DE "Hot Line Services" OR DE "Suicide Prevention Centers" OR DE "Cross Cultural Counseling" OR DE "Multicultural Counseling" OR DE "Continuum of Care" OR DE "Long Term Care" OR DE "Mental Health Services" OR DE "Palliative Care" OR DE "Primary Health Care" OR DE "Community Mental Health Services" OR DE "Community Counseling" OR DE "CPR" OR DE "Gene Therapy" OR DE "Oncology" OR DE "Outpatient Commitment" OR DE "Artificial Respiration" OR DE "Blood Transfusion" OR DE "Catheterization" OR DE "Deep Brain Stimulation" OR DE "Dental Treatment" OR DE "Dialysis" OR DE "Drug Therapy" OR DE "Electrosleep Treatment" OR DE "Immunotherapy" OR DE "Narcoanalysis" OR DE "Psychosurgery" OR DE "Shock Therapy" OR DE "Surgery" OR DE "Dental Surgery" OR DE "Hemodialysis" OR DE "Chemotherapy" OR DE "Hormone Therapy" OR DE "Narcoanalysis" OR DE "Polypharmacy" OR DE "Vitamin Therapy" OR DE "Sleep Treatment" OR DE "Immunization" OR DE "Thalamotomy" OR DE "Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy" OR DE "Insulin Shock Therapy" OR DE "Amputation" OR DE "Bariatric Surgery" OR DE "Circumcision" OR DE "Cochlear Implants" OR DE "Colostomy" OR DE "Endocrine Gland Surgery" OR DE "Heart Surgery" OR DE "Hysterectomy" OR DE "Induced Abortion" OR DE "Neurosurgery" OR DE "Organ Transplantation" OR DE "Plastic Surgery" OR DE "Sex Change" OR DE "Stereotaxic Techniques" OR DE "Vasectomy" OR DE "Mastectomy" OR DE "Adrenalectomy" OR DE "Castration" OR DE "Hypophysectomy" OR DE "Pinealectomy" OR DE "Thyroidectomy" OR DE "Male Castration" OR DE "Ovariectomy" OR DE "Commissurotomy" OR DE "Decerebration" OR DE "Decortication (Brain) " OR DE "Hemispherectomy" OR DE "Neural Transplantation" OR DE "Psychosurgery" OR DE "Sympathectomy"" OR DE "Tractotomy" OR DE "Vagotomy" OR DE "Brain Stimulation" OR DE "Chemical Brain Stimulation" OR DE "Electrical Brain Stimulation" OR DE "Brain Self Stimulation" OR DE "Spreading Depression" OR DE "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" OR DE "Phototherapy" OR DE "Radiation Therapy" OR DE "Active Listening" OR DE "Animal Assisted Therapy" OR DE "Autogenic Training" OR DE "Brief Relational Therapy" OR DE "Cotherapy" OR DE "Dream Analysis" OR DE "Empty Chair Technique" OR DE "Ericksonian Psychotherapy" OR DE "Guided Imagery" OR DE "Mirroring" OR DE "Morita Therapy" OR DE "Motivational Interviewing" OR DE "Mutual Storytelling Technique" OR DE "Network Therapy" OR DE "Paradoxical Techniques" OR DE "Psychodrama" OR DE "Adlerian Psychotherapy" OR DE "Adolescent Psychotherapy" OR DE "Analytical Psychotherapy" OR DE "Brief Psychotherapy" OR DE "Brief Relational Therapy" OR DE "Child Psychotherapy" OR DE "Client Centered Therapy" OR DE "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" OR DE "Conversion Therapy" OR DE "Eclectic Therapy" OR DE "Emotion Focused Therapy" OR DE "Existential Therapy" OR DE "Experiential Psychotherapy" OR DE "Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy" OR DE "Feminist Therapy" OR DE "Geriatric Psychotherapy" OR DE "Gestalt Therapy" OR DE "Group Psychotherapy" OR DE "Humanistic Psychotherapy" OR DE "Hypnotherapy" OR DE "Individual Psychotherapy" OR DE "Insight Therapy" OR DE "Integrative Psychotherapy" OR DE "Interpersonal Psychotherapy" OR DE "Logotherapy" OR DE "Narrative Therapy" OR DE "Persuasion Therapy" OR DE "Primal Therapy" OR DE "Psychoanalysis" OR DE "Psychodynamic Psychotherapy" OR DE "Psychotherapeutic Counseling" OR DE "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" OR DE "Reality Therapy" OR DE "Relationship Therapy" OR DE "Solution Focused Therapy" OR DE "Supportive Psychotherapy" OR DE "Transactional Analysis" OR DE "Multisystemic Therapy" OR DE "Play Therapy" OR DE "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" OR DE "Encounter Group Therapy" OR DE "Therapeutic Community" OR DE "Marathon Group Therapy" OR DE "Age Regression (Hypnotic) " OR DE "Self Analysis" OR DE "Family Therapy" OR DE "Conjoint Therapy" OR DE "Strategic Family Therapy" OR DE "Structural Family Therapy" OR DE "Cognitive Rehabilitation" OR DE "Criminal Rehabilitation" OR DE "Drug Rehabilitation" OR DE "Neuropsychological Rehabilitation" OR DE "Neurorehabilitation" OR DE "Occupational Therapy" OR DE "Physical Therapy" OR DE "Psychosocial Rehabilitation" OR DE "Alcohol Rehabilitation" OR DE "Detoxification" OR DE "Alcoholics Anonymous" OR DE "Therapeutic Social Clubs" OR DE "Vocational Rehabilitation" OR DE "Supported Employment" OR DE "Vocational Evaluation" OR DE "Work Adjustment Training" OR DE "Progressive Relaxation Therapy" OR DE "Social Group Work"

PsycInfo: Diagnosis

As mentioned before, in PsycInfo you have to explode manually.

Here is the explosion of diagnosis as of November 2015:

DE "Diagnosis" OR DE "Computer Assisted Diagnosis" OR DE "Differential Diagnosis" OR DE "Educational Diagnosis" OR DE "Galvanic Skin Response" OR DE "Medical Diagnosis" OR DE "Psychodiagnosis" OR DE "Biopsy" OR DE "Cardiography" OR DE "Dexamethasone Suppression Test" OR DE "Echoencephalography" OR DE "Electro Oculography" OR DE "Electroencephalography" OR DE "Electromyography" OR DE "Electronystagmography" OR DE "Electroplethysmography" OR DE "Electroretinography" OR DE "Encephalography" OR DE "HIV Testing" OR DE "Ophthalmologic Examination" OR DE "Plethysmography" OR DE "Pneumoencephalography" OR DE "Prenatal Diagnosis" OR DE "Rheoencephalography" OR DE "Roentgenography" OR DE "Tomography" OR DE "Urinalysis" OR DE "Psychodiagnosis" OR DE "Psychodiagnostic Interview" OR DE "Electrocardiography" OR DE "Alpha Rhythm" OR DE "Beta Rhythm" OR DE "Delta Rhythm" OR DE "Gamma Rhythm" OR DE "Theta Rhythm" OR DE "Angiography" OR DE "Mammography" OR DE "Magnetic Resonance Imaging" OR DE "Positron Emission Tomography" OR DE "Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography" OR DE "Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging" OR DE "Diagnostic Interview Schedule" OR DE "Structured Clinical Interview"