Friday, November 28, 2014

Soft Tissue Augmentation

Ovid Medline:

(soft adj3 tissue adj3 augment*).mp. OR (tissue adj3 augment*).mp. OR filler*.mp.


exp Cosmetic Techniques/ OR exp Dermatologic Agents/ OR exp Rejuvenation/ OR exp Skin Aging/
exp Biocompatible Materials/ OR exp Viscosupplements/ OR exp Viscosupplementation/ OR "Prostheses and Implants"/ OR exp Acrylic Resins/ OR exp Biopolymers/ OR exp Glycosaminoglycans/ OR exp Absorbable Implants/ OR exp Extracellular Matrix Proteins/


(soft adj3 tissue adj3 augment*).mp. OR (tissue adj3 augment*).mp. OR filler*.mp.


exp *esthetic surgery/ OR exp *dermatological agent/ OR exp *rejuvenation/ OR *cutaneous parameters/
exp biomaterial/ OR exp viscosupplement/ OR exp viscosupplementation/ OR exp biodegradable implant/ OR exp acrylic acid resin/ OR exp biopolymer/ OR exp glycosaminoglycan/ OR exp scleroprotein/

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Epidemics and disasters


"Disease Outbreaks"[Mesh] OR "Disasters"[Mesh] OR "Earthquakes"[Mesh] OR "Floods"[Mesh] OR "Avalanches"[Mesh] OR "Landslides"[Mesh] OR "Tidal Waves"[Mesh] OR "Tsunamis"[Mesh] OR "Volcanic Eruptions"[Mesh] OR "Cyclonic Storms"[Mesh] OR "Structure Collapse"[Mesh] OR "Explosions"[Mesh]


exp epidemic/ OR exp disaster/ OR exp earthquake/ OR exp flooding/ OR exp avalanche/ OR exp landslide/ OR exp tsunami/ OR exp volcano/ OR exp volcanic ash/ OR exp hurricane/ OR tornado/ OR exp structure collapse/ OR exp explosion/ OR exp nuclear accident/ OR aircraft accident/


DE "Epidemics" OR DE "Pandemics" OR DE "Disasters" OR DE "Natural Disasters"

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Communicating with distant locations


"Telemedicine"[Mesh] OR "Videoconferencing"[Mesh] OR "Radio"[Mesh] OR "Cellular Phone"[Mesh] OR "Telecommunications"[NoExp] OR "Internet"[Mesh] OR "Satellite Communications"[Mesh] OR "Wireless Technology"[Mesh]


"Communication"[Mesh] OR "Mass Media"[Mesh]) AND ("Developing Countries"[Mesh] OR "Name of Country"[Mesh]


exp telecommunication/ OR exp mobile phone/ OR exp social media/ OR exp telephone/ OR exp text messaging/ or exp videoconferencing/ or exp wireless communication/


(exp interpersonal communication/ OR exp mass medium/) AND (exp developing country/ OR exp Name of Country/)


DE "Telemedicine" OR DE "Virtual Teams" OR DE "Teleconferencing" OR DE "Telecommunications Media" OR DE "Radio" OR DE "Telephone Systems" OR DE Television Advertising" OR DE "Cellular Phones" OR DE "Social Media" OR DE "Mobile Devices"


(DE "Communications Media" OR DE "Mass Media" OR DE Electronic Communication") AND DE "Developing Countries"