Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Emergency Kit (for doctors' offices)

Second time I've gotten this question - it's impossible to search with keywords (well, you can try, but you won't get anything), but as James Herriot says, it's all in knowing how to do it.

"Equipment and Supplies"[Mesh]
"Physician's Offices"[Mesh] OR "Ambulatory Care Facilities"[Mesh]
emergenc*[all fields]

You do have to sort through some irrelevant stuff, but not too much.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Life Span

To search for life span in Medline (PubMed syntax)

"Longevity"[Mesh] OR "Life Expectancy"[Mesh]

Friday, March 8, 2013

High Cholesterol

The problem with high cholesterol is that it's not a disease. It's kind of a symptom, kind of a blood chemical, kind of a chronic disease - kind of a pain!

"Cholesterol/blood"[Mesh] OR "Hypercholesterolemia"[Mesh]

or depending on your search, you might use:

"Cholesterol"[Mesh] OR "Hypercholesterolemia"[Mesh]