Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders

Came across a weird one today! There's a MeSH called Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders that I came across in the Mesh Database:

It's been around since 1998, so for quite a while. Looks like it could be really useful for questions from Speech Language Pathologists.

However, when I typed it into Ovid, with quotes around the phrase because of the "and", it doesn't map to the MeSH term!

You can see the phrase I typed in at the bottom of the screenshot. I tried it three times so I'm pretty sure I didn't make a typo.

Yet, if I search for the broader term, Rehabilitation, and then select the term Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders from the tree, it is available.

I wonder if the failure to map is due to the fact that no article has been given this particular MeSH. Strange, eh? There are lots of results if you explode this MeSH, but not a single article has ever been labelled with this particular MeSH.