Monday, June 25, 2012


Searching for Canadian information with PubMed:

"Canada"[Mesh] OR canad*[all fields] OR canada[pl] OR canada[gr]

With Ovid Medline:

exp Canada / OR canad*.mp. OR canad*.cp. OR canad*.in.

With Ebsco Medline:

MH "Canada+" OR ZT "canada" OR ZF canad* OR TI canad* OR AB canad*

With Ebsco Cinahl:
MH "Canada+" OR ZF canad* OR ZB canad* OR TI canad* OR AB canad*

Friday, June 22, 2012

Emergency Department

Searching for Emergency-related topics in Medline is particularly tricky.

Available MeSH are:

Emergency Service, Hospital
This is what's generally known as the ER or ED in North America, or A&E in the UK. Use if the patron refers to any of those, or "in the Emergency setting".

Emergency Medical Services
Exploding this term will includes the above MeSH as a narrower term, but also includes other MeSH such as "Emergency Service, Psychiatric", "Ambulance", and "Triage". Especially useful if the patron refers to the pre-hospital setting, paramedics, or response in the field.

Emergency Nursing
This doesn't appear as a narrower term of either of the above, and therefore must be included separately if wanted. Usually of use in any questions related to the ER/ED, unless specifically interested in another profession.

Emergency Treatment
This also does not appear as a narrower term of any of the above, and therefore must be included separately if wanted. Used for the actual treatments such as the heimlich manoeuver, and applies to all settings, including interventions by bystanders as well as health professionals.

Emergency Medicine
Although this is supposed to be used to refer to the specialty rather than practical or clinical articles, some clinical articles are labelled Emergency Medicine/methods. Use if not getting many results with the above.

Use is extremely varied. It is sometimes used in conjunction with one or more of the above, but other times it appears without any of the above Emergency-related MeSH when one or more of the above are applicable. However, keyword searching may be more effective if only a subset of the above are needed.

Keywords to expand your search (use Ovid for phrase/truncation combos and proximity)
emergency room*
emergency department*
accident adj2 emergency
emergency setting*
pre hospital
emergency nurs*

MH "Emergency Care+" OR MH "Emergency Medical Services+" OR MH "Emergency Service+" OR MH "Emergencies+" OR MH "Emergency Nursing+" OR MH "Emergency Medicine+" OR MH "Emergency Nurse Practitioners+"

emergency room* OR emergency department OR accident w2 emergency OR emergency setting* OR prehospital OR pre hospital OR paramedic* OR emergency nurs* OR emergenc*


exp emergency ward/ OR exp emergency/ OR exp emergency health service/ OR exp emergency treatment/ OR exp emergency patient/ OR exp emergency surgery/ OR exp emergency medicine/ OR exp emergency physician/ OR exp emergency nursing/

In PsycInfo:

DE "Emergency Services"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy in Medline:

exp Occupational Therapy/ OR occupational therap*.mp.

Occupational therapy in CINAHL:

MH "Occupational Therapy+" OR MH "Occupational Therapy Assessment" OR MH "Occupational Therapy Practice, Evidence-Based" OR MH "Occupational Therapy Practice, Research-Based" OR MH "Research, Occupational Therapy" OR MH "Occupational Therapy Practice" OR MH "Occupational Therapy Service" OR MH "Occupational Therapists"

Friday, June 8, 2012

Treatment resistance

A search in Medline for treatments when first-line treatment fails:

exp Drug Resistance/ OR exp Treatment Failure/ OR resistan*.mp. OR refractor*.mp. OR intractab*.mp. OR nonrespon*.mp. OR non respon*.mp. OR persisten*.mp.

PsycInfo has:
DE "Treatment Resistant Disorders"
and you can do:
TI ( resistan* OR refractor* OR intractab* OR nonrespon* OR non-respon* OR persisten* ) OR AB ( resistan* OR refractor* OR intractab* OR nonrespon* OR non-respon* OR persisten* )

drug resistance/ or multidrug resistance/ or exp treatment failure/

and also, /dr [Drug Resistance] is a subheading, so check your EMTREE terms to see if they provide it, eg. exp posttraumatic stress disorder/dr [Drug Resistance]