Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bacteriotherapy for C. difficile infection

exp Clostridium Infection/ OR exp Clostridium difficile/ OR clostridium difficile.mp. OR c difficile.mp.
(exp Feces/ AND exp Enema/) OR (bacteriotherapy OR faeces transplant* OR feces transplant* OR faecal transplant* OR fecal transplant* OR donor stool* OR donor faeces OR donor feces OR homologous stool* OR homologous faeces OR homologous feces OR stool enema* OR stool instillation* OR stool infusion* OR stool transplant* OR feces biotherapy OR faeces biotherapy OR faecal biotherapy OR fecal biotherapy OR rectal infusion* OR rectal instillation* OR feces enema* OR faeces enema* OR faecal enema* OR fecal enema*).mp.

exp "Faecal donor instillation therapy"/
exp Bacterial Infections/th OR exp Clostridium difficile/ OR clostridium difficile.mp. OR c difficile.mp.
(exp Feces/ AND exp Enema/) OR (bacteriotherapy OR faeces transplant* OR feces transplant* OR faecal transplant* OR fecal transplant* OR donor stool* OR donor faeces OR donor feces OR homologous stool* OR homologous faeces OR homologous feces OR stool enema* OR stool instillation* OR stool infusion* OR stool transplant* OR feces biotherapy OR faeces biotherapy OR faecal biotherapy OR fecal biotherapy OR rectal infusion* OR rectal instillation* OR feces enema* OR OR faeces enema* OR faecal enema* OR fecal enema*).mp.