Monday, October 4, 2010

Health Professionals in ERIC database

Health Professionals in ERIC database (available for free online):

"Health Personnel"
"Allied Health Personnel"
"Mental Health Workers"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mapping community-related MeSH

Search: communit*

Ovid result:
Residence Characteristics

PubMed MeSH DB results:
Community Pharmacy Services
Community Networks
Community Health Planning
Community Health Services

Humourous mapping results

Search: best practices

Ovid mapping results (in order of appearance):

United States
Evidence-Based Medicine
Health Policy
Quality Assurance, Health Care

PubMed MeSH Database result:
Translational Research

Humourous, yes - and maybe a good example of how computers don't actually understand the words they take in and spit out?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mapping variation Ovid vs PubMed

The search "services" maps to different headings in Ovid and PubMed:

Ovid results:
Health Services Accessibility
Occupational Health Services

PubMed MeSH database results:
Health Services+
Health Services Needs and Demand
and many more...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Surface Properties

Now here's a MeSH you don't see everyday:

"Surface Properties"

Narrower terms are:
Capillary Action
Surface Tension

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding subject headings:


exp Breast Feeding/ OR exp Lactation/ OR exp Milk, Human/ OR exp Lactation Disorder/

MH "Breast Feeding+" OR MH "Lactation+" OR MH "Milk, Human+" OR MH "Lactation Disorder+"

MH "Breast Feeding+" OR MH "Lactation+" OR MH "Milk, Human+"

exp lactation consultant/ OR exp lactation/ OR exp lactation inhibition/ OR exp lactation disorder/ OR exp breast feeding/ OR exp breast milk

DE "Breast Feeding" OR DE "Lactation"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Equipment sterilization


  • Disinfection
  • Sterilization
  • Equipment Contamination

CINAHL Headings:
  • "Sterilization and Disinfection"

EMBASE Headings:

  • instrument sterilization
  • disinfection

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poverty Medicine

Here are some MeSH that I found for Poverty Medicine:
  • Poverty
  • Poverty Areas
  • Homeless Persons
  • Medical Indigency

There are similar ones in CINAHL:
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Homeless Persons
  • Health Services for the Indigent
  • Indigent Persons

Keywords of potential use:
  • impoverish*
  • disadvantaged
  • vulnerable
  • "at risk"
  • marginali*
  • "street involved"
  • street
 The last one is because I came across some other variations such as "street entrenched" and "street youth", but of course you're also more likely to come across irrelevant results.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moving patients

You can distinguish between moving patients and transfering patients in MeSH.

"Transportation of Patients"
Moving patients from one place to another - e.g. in an ambulance or helicopter.

"Moving and Lifting Patients"
Moving patients short distances, for example from bed to chair. Also repositioning a patient within the hospital bed.

"Patient Transfer"
Moving patients between hospitals/facilities or between departments in a hospital. Involves paperwork and handover communication/protocol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


In Medline and CINAHL, you can get more articles about Tracheostomy as follows:

Tracheostomy OR "Intubation, Intratracheal"

Tracheostomy OR "Endotracheal Tubes"

but watch out for irrelevant results.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Wait Lists

In Medline, if you are looking for information on wait lists, try all three of these MeSH:

Waiting Lists

Use OR to combine them and then AND them to the department or service that you're interested in, e.g.:

"Emergency Service, Hospital" AND ("Waiting Lists" OR Crowding OR Forecasting)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Assessing clinical learning

If you're looking up information about testing/assessing/evaluating student nurses, here are some useful CINAHL headings:

Using the Evaluation subheading:
MH "Learning/EV"
MH "Students, Nursing+/EV"
MH "Education, Nursing+/EV"

Additional CINAHL headings:
Educational Measurement
Student Performance Appraisal
--Narrower Term: Competency Assessment