Thursday, October 29, 2009

EMBASE non-English articles

Just realised that EMBASE doesn't mark its non-English articles with square brackets around the title.

It's easy to use the English limit to remove these articles, but you have to know that you need to do that even if you've looked over the articles by hand.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Clostridium difficile

Here's a trick if you are looking for C. difficile-related articles:

Ovid Medline:search: clostridium difficile
MeSH suggestions include:
exp Clostridium difficile/
exp Clostridium Infections/

search: clostridium difficile
heading suggestion:
exp Clostridium difficile/

search: clostridium infections
heading suggestion:
exp Clostridium Infections/

So the heading: Clostridium Infections does exist but you'll only find it if you know where to look for it.

BTW, CINAHL(EBSCO version) returns the same headings as Ovid Medline.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Public Health

Using Ovid's Advanced Search, with the map to mesh option,

Search: public health

Result: Public Health

However, if you check the scope note for Public Health, it makes reference to Public Health Administration.

And, I remembered that there is also a subject heading: Public Health Nursing

The map to mesh option returned all of these, plus one more, with the search: public health*

The other result that it returned was: Public Health Practice

CINAHL headings:
-Public Health
-Public Health Administration
-Public Health Nutrition
-Community Health Nursing

EMBASE headings:
-Public Health
-Public Health Service
-Community Health Nursing

Update 2016: now there are more!

Full list for PubMed:
"Public Health"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Administration"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Nursing"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Practice"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Informatics"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Surveillance"[Mesh]