Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chronic fatigue syndrome


"Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic"[Mesh]

"chronic fatigue syndrome"[tiab] OR "myalgic encephalomyelitis"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue syndromes"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue fibromyalgia syndrome"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue fibromyalgia syndromes"[tiab] OR "postviral fatigue syndrome"[tiab] OR "post-viral fatigue syndrome"[tiab] OR "chronic infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome"[tiab] OR "chronic infectious mononucleosis-like syndromes"[tiab] OR "royal free disease"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue disorder"[tiab] OR "chronic fatigue disorders"[tiab] OR "systemic exertion intolerance disease"[tiab] OR "postviral fatigue syndromes"[tiab] OR "post-viral fatigue syndromes"[tiab] OR "epidemic neuromyasthenia"[tiab] OR "fatigue syndrome"[tiab] OR "iceland disease"[tiab]

EMBASE: exp chronic fatigue syndrome/

Ovid keywords:
(myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome* or chronic fatigue fibromyalgia syndrome* or postviral fatigue syndrome or post-viral fatigue syndrome or chronic infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome* or royal free disease or chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue disorder* or systemic exertion intolerance disease or epidemic neuromyasthenia or fatigue syndrome* or iceland disease

CINAHL: MH "Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic"

PsycInfo: DE "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

EBSCO keywords:
myalgic encephalomyelitis OR chronic fatigue syndrome* OR chronic fatigue fibromyalgia syndrome* OR postviral fatigue syndrome OR post-viral fatigue syndrome OR chronic infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome* OR royal free disease OR chronic fatigue OR chronic fatigue disorder* OR systemic exertion intolerance disease OR epidemic neuromyasthenia OR fatigue syndrome* OR iceland disease

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Attitudes, Knowledge, Beliefs

Attitude to Health/ or exp Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/ or exp Patient Acceptance of Health Care/ or exp Attitude to Death/

exp Attitude of Health Personnel/ or exp Practice Patterns, Nurses'/ or exp Practice Patterns, Physicians'/

(attitud* or percept* or perceiv* or perspecti* or opinion* or knowledg* or belie* or aware*).ti,ab,kw.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Prisoners and Prisons

"Prisons"[Mesh] OR "Prisoners"[Mesh]


DE "Maximum Security Facilities" OR DE "Correctional Institutions" OR DE "Prisons" OR DE "Reformatories" OR DE "Incarceration" OR DE "Prisoners" OR DE "Prisoners of War" OR DE "Prisoner Abuse"


MH "Correctional Facilities" OR MH "Correctional Health Services" OR MH "Prisoners"

exp prison/ or exp prisoner/


prison* or corrections or correctional or jail* or gaol* or incarcerat* or maxiumum security or penal institution* or penal system* or penitentiar* or inmate* or offender*

Monday, September 16, 2019

Barriers to...(facilitators too)

exp Communication Barriers/

(barrier* or constraint* or deterr* or hinder* or hindran* or impediment* or inhibit* or obstruct* or obstacle* or reluctan* or hesitan* or disinclin* or reticen* or unwilling* or misgiving*).ti,ab,kw.

(willing* or factor* or readiness or openness).ti,ab,kw.

(facilitator* or enabler* or inclin* or encourag* or opportunit*

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


"Physicians"[Mesh] OR "Medical Staff"[Mesh]

Can also use "Physician Impairment"[Mesh] if appropriate


MH "Physicians+" OR MH "Medical Staff+"

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Family caregivers

"Caregivers"[Mesh] OR caregiver*[tiab] OR carer[tiab] OR carers[tiab]
"Family"[Mesh] OR family[tiab] OR familial[tiab] OR informal[tiab] OR unpaid[tiab]

Of course, it works better with adjacency:

exp Caregivers/ and (exp Family/ or (family or familial or informal or unpaid).ti,ab.)
((family or familial or informal or unpaid) adj3 (caregiver* or carer*)).ti,ab.

exp caregiver/ and (exp family/ or (family or familial or informal or unpaid).ti,ab.)
((family or familial or informal or unpaid) adj3 (caregiver* or carer*)).ti,ab.

But in PsycInfo, it gets a little crazy:

DE "Caregivers" OR DE "Caregiver Burden"
(DE "Family" OR DE "Biological Family" OR DE "Dual Careers" OR DE "Dysfunctional Family" OR DE "Extended Family" OR DE "Family Background" OR DE "Family History" OR DE "Family Members" OR DE "Family Relations" OR DE "Family Resemblance" OR DE "Family Structure" OR DE "Family Work Relationship" OR DE "Family of Origin" OR DE "Interethnic Family" OR DE "Interracial Family" OR DE "Military Families" OR DE "Nuclear Family" OR DE "Schizophrenogenic Family" OR DE "Stepfamily" OR DE "Family Socioeconomic Level" OR DE "Adopted Children" OR DE "Adult Offspring" OR DE "Ancestors" OR DE "Biological Family" OR DE "Cousins" OR DE "Daughters" OR DE "Foster Children" OR DE "Grandchildren" OR DE "Grandparents" OR DE "Illegitimate Children" OR DE "Inlaws" OR DE "Only Children" OR DE "Orphans" OR DE "Parents" OR DE "Siblings" OR DE "Sons" OR DE "Spouses" OR DE "Stepchildren" OR DE "Family Relations" OR DE "Family Conflict" OR DE "Intergenerational Relations" OR DE "Marital Relations" OR DE "Parent Child Relations" OR DE "Parental Role" OR DE "Sibling Relations" OR DE "Transgenerational Patterns" OR DE "Birth Order" OR DE "Family Size" OR DE "Kinship Structure" OR DE "Adoptive Parents" OR DE "Expectant Parents" OR DE "Fathers" OR DE "Foster Parents" OR DE "Homosexual Parents" OR DE "Mothers" OR DE "Parental Characteristics" OR DE "Single Parents" OR DE "Stepparents" OR DE "Surrogate Parents (Humans)" OR DE "Siblings" OR DE "Brothers" OR DE "Multiple Births" OR DE "Sisters" OR DE "Spouses" OR DE "Husbands" OR DE "Wives" OR DE "Adolescent Fathers" OR DE "Single Fathers" OR DE "Adolescent Mothers" OR DE "Primipara" OR DE "Schizophrenogenic Mothers" OR DE "Single Mothers" OR DE "Unwed Mothers" OR DE "Parental Role" OR DE "Triplets" OR DE "Twins" OR DE "Conjoined Twins" OR DE "Heterozygotic Twins" OR DE "Monozygotic Twins" OR DE "Couples" OR DE "Same Sex Couples" OR DE "Marital Relations" OR DE "Marital Conflict" OR DE "Marital Satisfaction" OR DE "Parent Child Relations" OR DE "Father Child Relations" OR DE "Mother Child Relations" OR DE "Parental Attitudes") OR TI ( family OR familial OR informal OR unpaid ) OR AB ( family OR familial OR informal OR unpaid ) )


TI ( (family OR familial OR informal OR unpaid) N3 (caregiver* or carer*) ) OR AB ( (family OR familial OR informal OR unpaid) N3 (caregiver* or carer*) )

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


complications or sequels or sequela* or concomitant* or associated disease* or associated disorder* or associated condition* or coexist*

Subheadings: complications goes with the MeSH of the first disease, secondary goes with the MeSH of the second disease.

Comorbidity has narrower term Multimorbidity.

In EMBASE, all the subheadings go on the second disease - complication, etiology, epidemiology, side effect